If you're a gamer, then you understand the world of video games includes a lot more than just playing the game. Proper care and organization will ensure your gaming experience is ideal each time you go to play. A hardware store has a
lot of items geared towards a gamer. Use this guide to help find what you need.
Micro Screwdriver SetThere may come a point where you need to make adjustments, repairs, or upgrades to your video game hardware and accessories. When you become experienced enough, you can attempt these changes on your own. Video game
hardware tends to use small screwdrivers to keep products in place.
The best solution is to have a micro screwdriver set on hand. You do not want to force standard screwdrivers into the small holes or you will risk the possibility of a stripped screw that becomes impossible to move. A micro
screwdriver set includes a number of screwdriver sizes so you always have the right ones on hand.
Some of the sets also include extra screwdrivers or tips that feature different shapes for the tip. Some hardware companies may use screws that do not feature the standard cross-shaped tip. Once you purchase a set, you will have the proper tools to adjust control drift, clean out debris, and keep your video games running smoothly for years.
Rechargeable Battery SetsOlder controllers, remote controls, and other video game accessories typically run on disposable batteries. The last thing you want to worry about is a set of dead batteries that prevents you from playing games. Hardware stores will
often include a battery section. Look for a set of rechargeable batteries.
Look for a set that includes double the amount of batteries you need. For example, you may need two AA batteries for a controller and three AAA batteries for a video game accessory. While the devices use the original five batteries,
have another five in the charger. When the main batteries die, you can easily swap them out and do not lose any game time.
The battery sets often come with a charger that will hold the whole set. Look for chargers with indicator lights so you know exactly when your batteries are fully charged.
Surge ProtectorsA power surge could create major damage to your video game console. Whether you have an older console or a newer console, keep the hardware protected from damage. A surge protector power strip adds the protection and gives
you extra plugs for your consoles.
If you own multiple consoles, you do not need to worry about constantly swapping plugs just to switch to a different console. Keep everything plugged in and go from game to game without any major delays or annoyances.
Dust Removal ProductsDust buildup inside game consoles could lead to overheating or poor performance. Keep your console going smoothly with various dust removal products. One of the easiest products to find at a hardware store is a can of compressed
air. Shaped like a spray paint can, the air nozzle will loosen dust and can clean out vent areas of a video game console.
You could also purchase a set of microfiber cloths. The clothes will help remove dust and cobwebs on the exterior of consoles. Use the clothes on shelves and game cases as well. Dust and clean your game area at least once every
couple of weeks. Set reminders to ensure the task gets done and your video game area remains in mint condition.
Shop with us at
Koontz Hardware
to find all of your hardware tools and accessories for video games. We have a massive selection of products and plenty of items to help transform your primary gaming area.